This is another weekly paying faucet and like my favorite faucet ( click here if interested ) you can earn thru it from 15 000 *satoshi to 200 000 satoshi per week depending on your luck and you have a daily game that can reward you from 2000 to 6000 satoshi.

Lets talk about the first page

Here you’ll have a matrix ( 5 rows 5 columns ) of treasure box, each with an unique value from 24 to 238095 satoshi. Once you’ve selected one of them you’ll be able to see what you’ve got. It can be a high value or a low one depending on your luck. If you’re offended with what you’ve received the faucet gives you a free second chance ( you’ll pick again ), yet I wouldn’t advice you to do so, I’ll explain why in the next paragraph.

And now about the second page

Or in other words, lets talk about the daily game. To be able to play the daily game, each day you need to select a number of boxes in the first page without the use of second chance. Why without it ? Because if you use the second chance you’ll increase the number of boxes required for that day so this won’t help you in lowering it. Now lets talk about the daily game itself, again you’ll see a matrix of 5×5 where you’ll have to pick one box, from each row, from bottom to the top. The trick here is that the first row has only ‘winner’ boxes, while the second row has 4 of them and one of them with 0, the third has 3 of them and two 0, forth has 2 and three 0 and the fifth has 1 winner box and the rest of them 0. Why I’ve told you about the boxes that could have a value of 0 ? Because once you hit 0 the daily game will finish with whatever amount you gathered till then and you won’t be able to go to the next row anymore.

They have a referal system too ?

Yes they have, it isn’t so sofisticated or better like the other ones ( only 20% commission here ), but it is there.

Proof of payment


If you are interested in joining, click here.

Moon Bitcoin

You can’t really talk about faucets without saying something about Moon Bitcoin too. This faucet is one of the simplest faucets in the world, insert your bitcoin address, validate recaptcha code and in theory that’s all you need to do.

Once you’re in all you have to bother with the first page ( the one you’re on right then ) and the second page, account page ( when you click the bitcoins gathered till now ), any other link they display usually opens in a pop out window.

The referal system will give you 50% commission for all your refereal earnings ( per each refereal ) so if you have friends interested, just click on the word “refer” at the top of the page and give that link to your friend.

They pay you every sunday and from my tests they pay you around 15 000 satoshi. Here is my proof:


You’re able to see those big differences in the payment amount because I’ve tested differite strategies so I could understand it better and explain it better, like any other published faucet here.

Here is what I found, since this faucet doesn’t require your attention like the other published here theoretical you can log in, validate the log in and come back in 6 days to receive, for example, 1500-2000 satoshi or something like that. But exactly here is the trick, with the time passing by the site will give you less and less satoshi as a reward so they can have traffic on their site.

So to be able to receive more ( second transaction for example ) you need to claim your satoshi every 5 minutes ( well I didn’t claimed them every 5 minutes, but I did it under 20 minutes while I was awake and home ).

If you want to give it a try, click here, insert your wallet and have fun with Bitcoin payments without doing some nasty work. If you don’t have a wallet, click here to see where you can do one.

My Favorite Faucet:

The faucet in cause it’s called, so let me tell you a little about it.

It’s first page is called “Free BTC”, what is this about ?

Well, here you roll a dice every hour. This dice takes values from 0 to 10 000 and for every set of values you receiver a payout for that hour. Let the numbers to speak:

0 – 9885 ~0.00000890 BTC
9886 – 9985 ~0.00008904 BTC
9986 – 9993 ~0.00089043 BTC
9994 – 9997 ~0.00890432 BTC
9998 – 9999 ~0.08904323 BTC
10000 ~0.89043230 BTC

P.S. “~” = “approsimate”. If the Bitcoin price in USD grows those rewars will be lowered and vice versa if the Bitcoin price in USD is lower.

Beside this, on every roll you’ll earn 2 free lottery tickets with big prizes.

The second page it’s called Multiply BTC

Here, if you’re a gambling person you have the perfect gambling system with the bitcoins you earned till now so you won’t lose your poket money. I won’t go too deep in this subject because I, as a person, don’t like do gamble, but it is there !

Third page, LOTTERY !

Here you can earn even past 1 BTC, maybe it sounds silly, but remember that 1BTC is over $200.

Forth, but not the last, referer page

Here you’re able to set up what perfect of the commission you earn from your referals you want to share back with them, that if you want, when to share and so on.

Here is my personal experience with them ( alone without refers !)


And in the seventh page you can even advertise your own webpage

Here you advertise your banner on their first page, for only $0.12 you can show that benner 1 000 times ( yet it will go pretty fast since the faucet has 1,401,660 increasing bitcoin users ). Yet, you can do this for free. “For free ? You’ve just told me that will cost me $0.12 per 1 000 banner impressions!”, yes yes hold your horses, what I mean by this is that you can the bitcoins you’ve earned till now for this, so it is kinda free ( excepting the time you lose getting them ).

Wanna join ?

If you’re glad that you’ve read about this faucet here, you can register thru this link: this way you’ll become my referal and I would earn a commission because I’ve told you about this site, a commission from which I will share 50% back with all referals based on their amount of work when the payday comes, so you’ll earn %100+ in the end. If not, it’s not really a problem, you can use this link: and not being refer to anyone and you’ll earn %100 at the payday.

P.S. You need to keep in mind that if you want to be able to use this faucet, you need to remove you adsblock if you have on them, their income profit is from google adsense.

What is bitcoin ?

The first thing and probably the most important one you need to know is what are bitcoins, isn’t it ?

Lets take a look at this video then we can speak about it. ( Please watch it, the video will make it easier for us to explain it to you )

And right before we start, you should know that you can get a lot more information from an official source too, we’ll just put it in a very short way so you can understand it easier. As for an official source we suggest you to access, you’ll also get an automated translate to your language to make it easy to understand.

And now let us try to guess few questions that romp thru your heads right now.

Why would I need something like this ?

Well, lets face it, you don’t really need it, you can work, eat, sleep, and so on, as well as you did it till now without bitcoins. To have bitcoins is a simple fad/preference.

Then, shouldn’t I walk away from it ? It seems troublesome to obtain them…

You could be right, yet think a little about it. You have extremely low fees to transactions. We aren’t kidding at all, lets give you a little example, for a transaction of 0.64883143 BTC someone payed a fee of 0.0002 BTC ( you can see the transaction if you click here ).

Ok, what you say sounds good..yet fishy!

Hmm, is hard for us to respond to this. You need to understand that this electronic currency, or easier e-currency, is an open source system. What this means ? Well, it meens that the code that handles the transactions, your own bitcoins, is free for anyone to see. So if you find this e-currency perfect for you and you have the money to invest into it, yet you can’t give it your trust, then you have the money to hire a good programmer to confirm it to you or even translate the code in human words, ain’t it ?

Hmm, you’ve said something about investment, the video didn’t said anything about this ?!

Yes, we’ve told you that you can invest into it. But don’t take it wrong, to have a bitcoin wallet ( like a bank account ) doesn’t cost you anything, not monthly fee, no income transaction fee for you, except a transaction fee for the sender. And think about it a little, there are online wallets that keeps everything safe for you that have a host to pay, a fee( and an extremely low one ) when you send some bitcoints isn’t at all anormal, ain’t it ?

So I don’t have to pay anything to have a wallet ?

Like we already said, you don’t have to pay anything and you have many choices, even software ones which means you’re your own bank, in your own personal computer if you don’t trust the online wallets. Let us give you an example, we choosed to have our wallet online, because it’s easy, secure and someone else handles everything without the need to bother us. We choosed and yet you have many other options to choose from, take a look here on an official source:

Ok..Lets say we belive you, but is it safe from hackers ?

It’s normally to think about hackers too since we’re talking about an e-currency, yet it’s exactly like a normal bank account. For example, our own bank gives us free online banking account, so same thing like a wallet. So our online banking account gives us a sms code so we can log in after we input out password, then it makes the transaction based on password again. The bitcoin online wallet works in the same way, you have a main password which you need to log in, then you can choose a two factor log-in, which means after you write you’re password you’ll receive a sms/e-mail/yubikey/google authenticator and after this, to make a transaction you need a second password, so in a way you have the online banking account + 3d secure (visa option). The only way a hacker can access it is from your own PC, after you log-in.

Why would I accept payment in bitcoins ?

Well, this one is a tricky one. You see e-currency is a decentralised system, which in few words means that in a legal way the state, your own country, can’t take it’s own taxes the VAT/TVA ( or whatever you call it ) if you’re selling it, so you need to pay your taxes in your own currency to your state. In the same time, this account can be freezed by your state, nobody can’t take it away from you or restrict you useing it. And think of it, this is 21st century currency, most of all young people who have access to the internet tend to have a bitcoint wallet or they will after they learn about it. Just think about it, not currency convert, low fees and the fact that you can get bitcoins doing almost nothing, click few times on a faucet when you’re at work and have some free time, which will reward you with bitcoins, use your own PC to mine for bitcoins, use a tool to mine for you or buy a cloud mining server which would passively give you some extra income so that anyone can get some free bitcoins which could be used to buy services from you.

So how can I exactly earn bitcoins ?

You have few options here.

  • You can mine for them and by mining we mean you need to use your hardware thru a software to calculate few algoritms with the objective of discovering a bitcoin block, which mean 25 bitcoins ( 25 * current price(4-JUN-2015) in dollars would be equal with 5,648.5 USD). The mining divides in 2 category.
  • Mine alone, which means you will work alone and with luck and a the newest amd video cards ( crossfire ), antminers ( usb/big machines ), very powerful processors and so on, you could find a bitcoin block, yet looking at the computational power of a pool it’s kinda out of question.

  • Mine with a pool, which means you will work together with many people, and a little example for you to understand the power of a pool is this, and you will receive a part the reward depending on how much you work.

P.S. The problem here is that you’ll pay the electricity bill, you’ll have some serious heat waves coming from the tools you use to mine and if the hardware “blows up” the money will come out of your poket and you’ll lose some serious time.

  • Buy a cloud mining service could be the right way to do this, yet you need to be careful what fees they take. We would suggest you to take a look here:
  • Use gambling sites, we aren’t big fans of gambling sites so we won’t give you a direct example.

  • Use faucets, this one rewards lesser then any of above options, yet it’s the safest, you can do it in your free time, you can do it from your mobile, you can do it at work when the boss isn’t looking. Usually you’ll also have some games on this kind of sites, few behaveing like a gambling site, but here you can bet what you earn from them, so it’s no risk in lose if you don’t invest, ain’t it ? Also, here you can refer friends and earn up to 50% the amount they earn. Which even us are doing, so we’ll give you an example and it would be nice to become our referer: ( for more about the refer system you’ll find here )

  • Mine for other e-currency which is much easy to obtain, for example LiteCoin, then exchange it for bitcoins.

  • Are out there sites that accept bitcoin payment ?

    Well, you could search for them as easy as us, but let us give you this site as an example ( ) and tell you that we’ll make a list with online stores that accept bitcoins as payment. So yes, the answer is definetly YES and with the time passing by there will be more and more!

    If I don’t want to work hard for bitcoins and just buy/exchange them ?

    Of course there is this possibility too and there are many available sources where you can do this, we’ll make a list of them too, but let us give you a quick example here too. You can see bitcoin value clicking on and register or try a demo account on